Tuesday 28 August 2012

Daddy has a Neck Beard!

To my unborn son/daughter,

Daddy has a Neck Beard. (See pics below.)

Awww... How Cute! (I know what you're thinking... Why is mummy such a fox, and daddy looks like a freaking Leprechaun? LIFE IS AWESOME!!! - That's why!)

By the time you come into this world, all of the cool kids will have Neck Beards!

Hopefully, you won't be born with one - but even if you are, your mum and I will still love you! (although your photo will not appear on this blog!)

PS - This is really just an excuse to get my Neck Beard onto the www so that google might find it when i google-image-search "Neck Beard" - it's been a life-long ambition of mine and will ultimately make your daddy rich and famous?

Well, maybe?

So - did it work?

Google image search "Neck Beard" to find out?



  1. Stop bearding up our baby blog you massive hirsute wierdo!

  2. You are a weirdo. And that neck beard is so fucking ugly I don't even know where to begin :)

  3. I googled "Neck beard" and wound up clicking your picture. Congrats, as I have now fulfilled your life-long ambition.

    1. Why thank you very much cash 68! Just a question - why on earth would anyone ever google neck beard? Just curious?

    2. I also found this blog via google image search for "neckbeard". I'm sorry to say my reason for Googling it was to show a friend how bad they are. Unfortunately your prediction was wrong; none of the cool kids have them :(

  4. I too googled neck beard and came here. Fame and riches shall surely be yours.

    (I did it to find out what reasons, if any, someone might have a neck beard.)

    1. Its a good point, Anonymous - why would anyone ever have a neck beard?
      Although looking back at it now, I did marry that super hot girl, we have had an awfully cute (neck beardless) baby and we are living the dream in Bangkok - one of the craziest cities on earth...
      The neck beard has definitely paid off!

  5. LMAO. I was reading a novel and read of a character with a Vandyke. I didn't know what was up with his face, so I googled Vandyke. Turns out, I thought a Vandyke was a Goatee. You can imagine my embarrassment. So I clicked on facial hair and perused the different types so I could prevent this kind of a gaffe at cocktail parties and the like. Needless to say, I was unimpressed with Wikipedia's facial hair coverage. This got me thinking there had to be some cool-ass name for a neck-beard. I fought a bit with Siri- she keeps saying 'Next Beard' which I know you will give a whole hearted "Hell Yeah!" to, but anyway. I typed it in manually and hit an image of you. My first thought was, what a douche. Read your blog and started laughing- Turns out your not a douche, just a funny guy. Best of luck with the addition to your family. Please use this to teach them a lesson that you do indeed know what your are talking about. And thanks for the laughs tonight. Hopefully there are infinitely more for you and your friends and family.

    1. Hell Yeah, Anonymous! Now i know how movie-stars feel when they get a good review - just who the hell are you, Anonymous?
      Way to make a guy feel ten feet tall and bulletproof!
      I love people who take time out of their day to say something nice...
      "It doesn't cost nothin'" As my dear old dad would say!
      "But it pays in spades."
      Cheers for the best of luck - My gorgeous wife just produced our first baby last week (Felix - my boy!)and we are stoked - who would have thought that a guy that looks like a complete "douche" as you rightly pointed out, could ever get so lucky?
      Married to a smoking hot mamma and living the family life in Bangkok - City of Dreams...
      Cheers again, Anonymous, for your kind words - and keep up the study on facial hair - hope to see you on page 1 of google images one day rocking the Vandyke???

  6. Got here via google for neck beards. Reason, I was looking to see if the word neck beard was exclusively related to system administrators or if it was a more general description. Then I clicked on the images link for a laugh.

  7. id love to fuck your wife

  8. Dude! You totally look like me (can't be the other way around because I was born in 66). Check it out:


  9. I've gotten a way with a little facial hair fun as well:



  10. Hey man, great neck beard!!!! It looks awesome!!
